The Practical Guide to Compost Marketing and Sales, 2nd Edition
Several outstanding publications have been written over the years to assist composters in the production and use of compost, and much research has been completed on these subjects. However, little truly practical information has been available pertaining to compost marketing, especially as it pertains to actual sales….approaching specific market segments and training new sales staff. This Guide has been published for just that reason.
It is important for anyone managing compost sales staff to understand that to be successful over the long-term, there is ‘a lot to learn and master’. A technically competent sales person must possess knowledge in diverse subject manner, as well as skill in the area of sales. This Guide will help provide the knowledge needed to answer these questions and more effectively sell compost.
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Using the Practical Guide to Compost Marketing and Sales...​
There are many possible ways to put this guide to work. It can be used as a means to train new sales and marketing staff, ‘jump starting’ their success by reducing their learning curve. It can also be used to assist in developing a new, or expanding your existing, compost marketing program and company. It provides helpful advice regarding product placement and important aspects regarding operating a successful compost marketing program, as well as insights pertaining to sales approaches for specific end use markets. The book also outlines sales management systems and specific compost marketing and market management tools to improve your success ‘in the field’. It may also assist veteran compost sales staff develop specific systems and tools necessary to improve their efficiency or overall success or expand their current sales efforts into new markets.This dual use manual also contained 20 pages of compost utilization pictures and was designed to be used ‘in the field’ as a sales tool.​
See the Cover
See the Table of Contents​